SharePoint Conference in Baltimore, Maryland
I’m very excited to be a part of the upcoming SharePoint .ORG Conference that will be held in Baltimore this year. If you have even a small amount of interest in SharePoint or SharePoint design, you’ll love the line-up. I’ve attended and have spoken at numerous conferences and events around the country, but this is the first SharePoint conference I’ve seen with a dedicated “design” track. I’m very excited to have the opportunity to speak at a few of the design sessions, and I look forward to seeing any readers at the conference.
The keynote speaker is Kristina Halvorson. I’ve seen Kristina speak at two separate events before, and both times I have entered her sessions with my customary eye of scrutiny, and have left with unexpected revelations about web content. She’s always a pleasure to listen to, and I’m excited to have her at our conference this year.
Check out the full line up at at Highlights from the design track include:
- Designing for SharePoint: Avoid the Pitfalls
- 10 Ways to Make SharePoint NOT Look Like SharePoint
- Best Practices: Usability and Accessibity
- Designing for Mobile
- Enhance SharePoint 2010 with Amazing JQuery Controls
- The (Near) Future of the Web: HTML5 and CSS3
- Silverlight for SharePoint
- Lightning Sessions: Design (three 20 minute sessions on design topics with five minute breaks)
I hope to see you there!